Generator Installation Cost Near Sandy Springs, GA

The number 1 question is “What does it cost to install a Standby Generator?”. Cost depends on a lot of factors. Our whole house 20KW 2019 special is a bare-bones simple installation. Here are things that add to the cost:

  1.  Which units fit your house? The cost difference between a smaller managed system vs a whole house unit may only be $600 to $1500.
  2. Is the location to set the unit flat or need leveling?
  3. How far is the distance between utilities, the generator, and the connecting panel box?
  4. How far does the installation team have to travel? Time is money.
  5. Is the installing company a Generator Specialist or an Electric Co that will install Gensets, set the base, program, activation? Specialists in Generators have lower more streamline
  6. Do you have to have it NOW? Ordering the best deal from the major manufacturers shouldn’t take more than 2 weeks but could save thousands.
  7. Can I buy my own to save money? The bottom line is installers have to add up the cost of doing business and add profit. Buying the wrong unit or mismatching may cost you more and many companies wouldn’t even bid because of the complication (KISS) and liability of having an unhappy customer.

So rule of thumb, call us first! Let us help you determine what your needs are with a free on-site estimate and take the stress out of buying.